Charlotte on the Boochnews Podcast

We were honoured when Ian asked us for an interview. has been a great resource of all things kombucha these past few years. If you're looking for industry news or producer profiles (covering American and Canadian brewers as well as European and Australian ones) you should definitely check it out.

Boochnews is updated often so the content keeps up with the speed the kombucha industry is developing. That's how we like it! Last week we spoke with Ian about our story and grassroots approach. Of course we discussed the difficult times we're (all) facing at the moment and how this might effect the European kombucha market in the future.

“It’s challenging because there are easier and cheaper ways to make kombucha than how we do it. I hope everyone will stick to their plan and keep producing fresh, real kombucha. It’s so important because many people in Europe have yet to experience their first taste of kombucha. As with any product, if the first taste does not seem right, they might never try it again."

Check out Boochnews for the full podcast (30 min.) or a short text version of the interview. 

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