YAYA Kombucha was back at The Amsterdam Coffee Festival for the third time. Due to the lockdown the festival was cancelled in 2020 and in 2021.
When the confirmation came in that the festival was actually going to take place this time, we only had a few weeks to prepare. In the lean-and-mean style we made a stand, borrowed some plans from our neighbors Bumi and made it work. In the end we were quite happy with the result :-)
This time around we only brought our canned products which included YAYA Kombucha Original, Ginger, Yuzu, Blueberry, Hops and our limited edition Grapefruit and Juniper. We also brought our second brand Hi-Five Ice Tea. Lastly we rented a bakfiets to cycle back to the brewery to replenish stock. Which in hindsight was a very good move because we had to refill our fridge multiple times a day.
The festival was busier than usual and according to the organisation over 8400 visited the festival over three days. And the excitement couldn't be higher.
We would like to thank everyone for these fantastic days and a very special thank you to Joshua (@studio_matsu) for the great pictures.
We hope to see you again next year!
Here are some impression photos :)

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